the Newsletter
The weekly newsletter comes out every Friday afternoon and is a great way to let you know about what your children are learning.
It highlights the successes within the school,
from the cleanest cloakrooms to the star wards and individual achievements. The teachers give you a run down on what was covered that week and the PTA let you know of upcoming events.

At Rudgwick Primary we are able to offer a wide variety of clubs to our children, covering a broad range of interests.
Some of the clubs are free and run by committed members of staff in their own time, and some are run by outside agencies who charge a fee and use the school's space.
The club form will state whether you pay the provider direct or whether you can use ParentMail.

Breakfast Club
If you are a working parent or carer, why not book your child into our Breakfast Club? It opens at 8am and offers the children a yummy breakfast and lots of fun activities to keep them busy. Cost is £4.00 per child through Parentmail.

Kiwi Club
Monday - Thursday afternoons, alongside our other clubs, there is afterschool childcare through the Kiwi Club. Contact Mrs Mussell for more information on